A Day in the Life of Me

I think it is safe to presume at this juncture that I am not the next big thing in the blogging circles as I thought I would be when I started this blog and I have chosen to accept this fact gracefully…so now I’m not under any pressure to blog everyday and feel guilty when I don’t (especially since I haven’t blogged in a couple of months!). In fact I remembered that I haven’t blogged in ages today morning on the way to work (yes yes…I have work now…the regular 10 hour grind…sigh). It was then that I realized that my blog was close to death and needed some CPR…urgently…so here I am trying to resuscitate what remains of my blog.

I’m in Delhi now for holidays. Getting up at 12, eating a leisurely breakfast, shopping, meeting old friends, catching up on movies and sitcoms…that’s life…only it’s not mine. Any regular “holiday” for me begins with getting up at 8 a.m., getting ready in 20 mins and gobbling breakfast in 5…reaching office by 9:30-10 a.m. (if traffic so permits) and then work…back home at 8-8:30 p.m. after which I have no energy to do anything. Sounds like a sad life I know but it’s not as dreary as it sounds…I love the work so I don’t mind office so much and going to court is always fun. My only concern is that I have no time to do much else than work like meeting friends and shopping, leave alone free time to laze around. I have managed to see some school friends…and had a lovely dinner last night with college friends at Big Chill…we all came directly from our respective workplaces and agreed this is what the future hold for us…long work hours and hopefully an occasional dinner with friends after work. Anyway it was a fun dinner and we talked about the people we like/dislike (mostly the latter :D ) and of course the wedding of the year (It’s ok if you have no idea what I’m talking about). Apparently the wedding was a big hit and a viewing pleasure for all the guests (though "my reporter" didn't report for duty...had a fever she says...pah!)…I really wish I could divulge more details but the sadly the forum is too public for further elaboration but let me tell you it involves many a karan johar moments :D. Anyway as is evident i thrive on these vicarious joys...sigh


Vatsala said...

Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. Understand.


megha said...

lol..."such is the misery of life" in the words of a judge at tis hazari :P

A ditty said...

subtlety, thy name is megha!

i like the post though. :)

megha said...

thanks for the insight A ditty...i like the name though :P