Cat Tales

Long time since I posted, mainly because I have been busy or lazy or both. Now that holidays have started I plan to concentrate my energy on reviving this blog. It’s been an interminably long trimester interspersed with some fun and some horrifying things like Bear watching paapi chulo again in rapt attention (she ensures that she plays it when I’m around…she even comes to my room and plays in on my laptop!).

Since I’m back in Delhi I’m looking forward to doing nothing mostly, watching House and Boston Legal, reading a bit and catching up with friends, one of whom has threatened to drag me to ‘Ajab Prem ki Gazab Kahani’ (seriously why can’t Ranbir Kapoor find a role that’s different from last three?!! All his movies look the same!). I really want to see ‘Inglorious Basterds’ but no one wants to give me company since I’m probably the last person to see it :(

The sad news that I got when I got home is that cat ran away…she was always a dumb creature and I wasn’t particularly attached to her but it’s nice to have a cat in the garden even though it’s completely useless and couldn’t catch a mouse even if you threw it at her face….she is (hopefully) a good cat…stupid but affectionate…I hope the life of a stray that she’s chosen after living this luxurious life (my mom used to give her milk, bread and eggs every morning even before she gave us food and this is just breakfast) proves to be full of adventure and she finds what she’s looking for in her cat life…so here’s to you cat (raises glass)…hope you’re happy…we’ll miss you but I’m sure we’ll find another one :P