Book-stealers burn in HELL!

Right now I am very very agitated…and those who know me will vouch that it is indeed a rare happening. So, the fact that I am agitated/frustrated/really mad means something grave has happened. And it HAS!

People who know me well will also tell you how much I hate/detest/wish to impale book borrowers who don’t return books. They are, according to me, the scum of the universe (fellow bibliophiles would agree). They are the kind of people who should be lined up and shot. A pity that they no longer allow public hangings because the perpetrators of these crimes deserve nothing less.

I could really go on and on once I get started on punishments for book-stealers and let me assure you, I can get very creative (suggestions are welcome!)…anyway I won’t go into descriptions because I want the world to know about this @%#$* who stole my books some 2 years ago! It disappeared completely after taking 3 of my books…disappeared as in changed address and phone number…I think it did all this to throw me off track. But I found it…I tracked it down and found its phone number after 2 years (yes I am psychotic when it comes to books). I called it and asked it to return my books. After much dilly-dallying it messaged me asking for my address so it can courier the books to me. I told it the address and said I hoped the books were in a decent condition. A sms war ensued where among other things it told me that I should be grateful that it did not lose those books or pass it on to someone else (!!!). It said a lot of which I’m not going to recount but all the whole it was very pissing off apart from the fact that the messages themselves gave me a headache because of the atrocious spelling and grammar.

Now since this whole episode I’ve been having rather gory dreams as to what I would do to the said book-stealer who had the audacity to be so unapologetic and bitchy. If you have any interesting ideas do let me know.

I’m so glad I got this out of my system!


Vatsala said...

Aww megsu, yes they're the worst kind of people. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

So did you ever get your books back?

- Chaitanya

Shreya said...

Is this the "it" that you threatened with your mother as well?

I hate people who borrow anything and then act as if they are doing you a favour by returning it/taking care of it. I mean WTF!

megha said...

@ vat YES!

@chaitu well it said it'll courier it to me so let's see..I'll know by the end of this week

@shraaa the same. I'll show u the msges...the way it was talking...u will not believe it's the person who stole my books for over 2 years!!i hope all this bad karma hits it sooner or later...

Arvind Sugunan said... are pretty agitated most of the time...thats ur charm innit ? :P

megha said...

hey that's not true!I'm agitated when I'm with you..that's different :p

megha said...

like i thought...the week is up and no sign of the books...such a @#$%&!!

Anonymous said...

"Whore" ??

megha said...

close ;)